
Iñaki López de Viñaspre

An anthropologist specialising in Food, Iñaki is primarily passionate about cooking.

I have always described myself as a lover of cooking. From when I was a child and my amona, grandmother in Basque, taught me how to cook to my days at the university studying the Anthropology of Food, traditional Basque cuisine has long been my obsession. Twenty years ago, my brother Mikel and I opened the restaurant IRATI in Barcelona, today a benchmark in Basque cuisine in the city, with the clear goal of sharing traditional Basque cuisine all over the world.

IRATI was the seed of SAGARDI Basque Country Chefs, our most ambitious project with which we are trying to spread Basque food culture beyond our borders. It is a solid, high-quality, authentic venture which is now present in 7 cities. Our mission here in London, just like it is everywhere, is to explain the values of traditional Basque cuisine and to revive the flavours of our childhood. In short, we want to show affection via food. We encourage you to learn about our fascinating culture and savour its amazing products.




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